Speaks fluent Photoshop and sarcasm

Cherries Swimwear
Little Lashes project Lindsay Quesnel portfolio

Every piece plays a part in crafting unforgettable brand moments.


I wear many hats as a multidisciplinary designer, and I love it. Here are a few of my strengths:

Digital Eye Candy

Branding and Strategy

Crafting unique visual identities and weaving strategic brand stories that are tailor-made for your business. In a sea where competition is fierce and similarities abound, I'm here to ensure your brand stands out and shines brightly amidst the crowd.

Social Media and Marketing

A brand requires more than mere presenceβ€”it needs a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. From graphics and video to implementing strategic content plans, I meticulously craft every element to stand out and command attention in the digital sphere.


With a passionate dedication to storytelling and an eye for detail, I specialize in creating icons and illustrations that spark genuine connections with the audience. Whether it's bringing whimsical characters to life, crafting surreal landscapes, or weaving intricate patterns, each illustration is created to captivate and resonate with viewers.

Directives, Playbooks and Editorial

From crafting brand playbooks for internal teams to providing detailed guidelines for external partners, I ensure consistency and alignment across all touch-points, bolstering your brand's impact and recognition.

Web Design

With an understanding of user experience and a passion for crafting immersive digital experiences, I specialize in creating web pages that are both visually appealing and functional. From intuitive navigation to seamless integration of brand elements, each design decision is crafted to engage visitors and guide them through your brand's narrative journey.

Animation & Video

Captivating an audience's attention goes beyond using static imageryβ€”it demands dynamic storytelling that intrigues and fully engages. I love crafting content that's attention-grabbing and compelling right from the start, effectively capturing the audience's interest while staying true to brand.

Package Design

Your product's packaging is more than just a containerβ€”it's a powerful storyteller and brand ambassador. I find it a joyful challenge to craft unique package designs that captivate consumers and compel purchase decisions.

You get the point.